Academic Open Internet Journal

Volume 14, 2005




A New and Novel Image Compression Algorithm Using Wavelet Footprints


N. Malmurugan, A. Shanmugam, S. Jayaraman and V. V. Dinesh Chander

Abstract—Wavelet footprint is a new technique that gives parsimonious representation of piecewise polynomial signals. Using wavelet footprints we will able to exploit the inter-dependency of wavelet coefficients across the scales around singularity locations in a signal. In this paper, it is reported that wavelet footprints can be used to represent images as well. We show that the images represented using footprints require fewer coefficients, but still maintains the quality of the image and thus provides a way for compression. The degree of the polynomial and inter-pixel value difference threshold can be selected for possible better minimal representation.


Index Terms— Wavelet footprints, Compression Ratio, singularity, inter-pixel value difference threshold.


The wavelet transform is a well-known signal processing tool which has been successful to many image processing applications. Particularly for image compression, where the transient features of the image are represented using few scaling function coefficients whereas the sharp nature of the image are represented using wavelet function coefficients.

Wavelet footprint [1] is a recent attempt to provide compact representation of piecewise polynomial signals. These footprints exploit the inter-dependency of wavelet coefficients across the scales around the singularities of piecewise polynomial signals. In our work we show that wavelet footprints can be used to represent images. Our experimental results show good compression ratios while maintaining the visual quality of the images.

The paper is organized as follows: Following the introduction part in section 2 we provide an overview of wavelet footprints. In the next section we brief about the algorithm used for signal representation using wavelet footprints. In section 4 we give the algorithm for image representation using wavelet footprints. In section 5 we provide the experimental details and discuss the results and finally in the last section we draw the conclusions.

II.     overview of wavelet footprints

 In [1], Vitterli and Dragotti proposed a new data structure known as wavelet footprints for modeling the discontinuities present in the signal exactly. Also the dependency of wavelet coefficients around the singularity locations of a piecewise polynomial signal was also studied. It was shown that the polynomial behavior of the signal can be given using few scaling function coefficients, whereas the non-zero wavelet coefficients used to represent the discontinuities will be clustered around translational locations known as the “cone of influence” [1][5].

A wavelet footprint is a scale-space vector obtained by gathering together all the non-zero wavelet coefficients in the cone of influence of the discontinuity and then imposing unity norm. For a discontinuity in the signal described by polynomials of maximum order D, the wavelet coefficients will have only (D+1) degrees of freedom. Therefore the discontinuity is characterized by linear combination of footprints spanning a subspace of dimension (D+1). The collection of scaling function coefficients and wavelet footprints is known as footprint basis.

1) Footprint Expansion for piecewise polynomial signals

The basic wavelet expansion for a signal x[n] using periodic wavelets with atleast D vanishing moments is given by

Let x[n] be a piecewise polynomial signal made up of polynomial pieces of maximum degree D. Let x[n] contain single discontinuity at location k defined mathematically as given in [1]

where the basic polynomial pieces are defined as

By selecting the wavelet function properly with high enough vanishing moments the wavelet domain representation of x[n] will be


where I0 and Ik represent the cone of influence at points 0 and k respectively. Since we go in for the periodic extension of wavelet function we will get a discontinuity at n=0. Here yjl represents the sparser non-zero wavelet coefficients in the cone of influence of the discontinuity k and zero. According to the definition of wavelet footprint as in [1] we get 


where fk(d)[n] represents the footprint at the discontinuity location at n=k for the dth degree component in x[n]. For ensuring unity norm condition we have

III.     algorithm for footprint representation

The algorithm we used to obtain the footprint representation of piecewise polynomial signals was suggested by Vitterli and Dragotti in [1] and this is known as the Adaptive Depth Footprint Pursuit algorithm. In this algorithm the discontinuity locations are estimated first and then depending upon the discontinuity locations the maximum level of decomposition J is chosen. Since the value of J varies depending upon the distance between the discontinuities the algorithm is adaptive in nature. Also since we estimate the discontinuity locations well in advance the number of iterations for the footprint representation of the piecewise polynomial signal is considerably reduced. Detailed description of the algorithm can found in [1] [4].  

IV.     extension to images

Footprints are a powerful tool for 1-D signal compression and denoising and ample evidence of the same was shown in [1], [2] and [3]. It is natural to extend the concept of footprints to 2-D.

The algorithm we propose will be a direct extension of 1-D wavelet footprints to 2-D. Here we approximate each row or column of the image to polynomial signal using wavelet footprints. The approximation algorithm that we follow is the Adaptive Depth Footprint Pursuit. The proposed algorithm is as follows:

1.         Consider each row or column in the image to be a piecewise polynomial signal.

2.         Compute the discontinuity locations in each row. Here we go for step discontinuities only, i.e., if the difference in the pixel values between any two neighboring pixels is greater than a particular threshold, then that location is said to contain discontinuity. The threshold is known as inter-pixel value difference threshold.

3.         Collect the estimated discontinuity locations to form the discontinuity vector K. This vector is an input to the footprint estimation algorithm.

4.         Obtain the footprint approximation of the corresponding row or column using the Adaptive Depth Footprint Pursuit Algorithm.

5.         Repeat steps 2 to 4 for all the rows.

6.         With the approximated set of values to each row repeat steps 2 to 5 for each column.

   The above procedure is shown in Fig. 1. The various parameters that influence the results obtained using the above algorithm are the inter-pixel value difference threshold, degree of the polynomial to which we approximate and the size of the image. The effects of these parameters are discussed in detail in the next section.

V.     Results and Discussion

The new extension of wavelet footprints to 2-D was implemented and tested on standard test gray scale images. Detailed results are obtained by varying the degree of polynomial approximation, the inter-pixel value difference threshold and by changing the size of the images. The Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) and the Compression Ratio are used as the metrics to measure the performance of the algorithm.

Since there is no quantization technique involved in this algorithm, the compression ratio is calculated as the ratio of the original size of the image to the number of footprint coefficients required for the representation of the entire image along with the number of scaling function coefficients used.


                                          Original size of the image

Compression Ratio   =   ----------------------------------------

                                   (Number of footprint coefficients)+

                                      (Number of scaling coefficients)


Compression Ratio and PSNR values for varying degrees of polynomial approximation for a fixed inter-pixel value difference threshold are tabulated in the tables I, II and III. The threshold values are chosen arbitrarily as 30, 40 and 50. Smaller the threshold value more will be the discontinuities located in the polynomial.



Fig.1 Flowchart for the extension of wavelet footprints to 2-D




Table I: Degree Vs CR and Degree Vs PSNR for inter-pixel difference threshold 30



Lena 128 x 128

Lena 256 x 256

Lena 512 x 512








































Table II: Degree Vs CR and Degree Vs PSNR for inter-pixel difference threshold 40



Lena 128 x 128

Lena 256 x 256

Lena 512 x 512








































Table III: Degree Vs CR and Degree Vs PSNR for inter-pixel difference threshold 50



Lena 128 x 128

Lena 256 x 256





























From the Table I, II and III, it is interesting to note that the quality measure PSNR remains almost constant for the variation in the degree of the polynomial, but varies considerably depending upon the inter-pixel value difference threshold.


Fig.2 Degree Vs CR and PSNR for Lena 128x128


The various compression ratios can be obtained for the same value of PSNR by fine tuning the degree of the polynomial and the inter-pixel value difference threshold. This gives a high degree of flexibility to handle the image for vast range of compression ratios. When the inter-pixel value difference threshold increases the number of discontinuities detected will decrease, thereby enabling higher compression ratios.


Fig.3 Degree Vs CR and PSNR for Lena 256x256




Fig.4 Degree Vs CR and PSNR for Lena 512x512




Figs. 2, 3 and 4 shows the variation of CR and PSNR with respect to the variation of the degree of the polynomial for a constant threshold value for three different sizes of the Lena image. The number of footprints will depend only on the discontinuities of the original image not on its size. Therefore the compression ratio will be very high when the image is taken with more resolution. The compression ratio is not as much as high for the same image in lower dimensions. It is clearly available from the Table I and II for the image Lena 512x512.

It can be found that the subjective quality of the images increase as the degree of the polynomial used for representation increases.  The visual quality of the image is a function of size of the image, inter-pixel value difference threshold and the degree of the polynomial. Hence different subjective qualities are possible for various combinations of these parameters. This is evident from Figs. 5, 6 and 7.  





             Degree=0, Threshold = 30    Degree=1, Threshold = 30     Degree=2, Threshold = 30     Degree=3, Threshold = 30

             (a)                                             (b)                                                   (c)                                                (d)



                   Degree=0, Threshold = 40       Degree=1, Threshold = 40     Degree=2 , Threshold = 40     Degree=3, Threshold = 40

                 (e)                                                    (f)                                             (g)                                                   (h)



                     Degree=0, Threshold = 50         Degree=1, Threshold = 50    Degree=2,  Threshold = 50      Degree=3, Threshold = 50

                      (i)                                                  (j)                                                (k)                                                        (l)


Fig. 5 Lena128x128 for various Degrees of Polynomial and Threshold



           Degree=0, Threshold = 30     Degree=1,Threshold = 30        Degree=2, Threshold = 30       Degree=3, Threshold = 30

             (a)                                            (b)                                                (c)                                          (d)




          Degree=0, Threshold = 40     Degree=1, Threshold = 40                   Degree=2 , Threshold = 40   Degree=3, Threshold = 40

         (e)                                                 (f)                                                   (g)                                            (h)



         Degree=0, Threshold = 50             Degree=1, Threshold = 50               Degree=2,  Threshold = 50          Degree=3, Threshold = 50

          (i)                                              (j)                                                            (k)                                       (l)


Fig. 6 Lena 256x256 for various Degrees of Polynomial and Threshold



             Degree=0, Threshold = 30               Degree=1,Threshold = 30                Degree=2, Threshold = 30           Degree=3, Threshold = 30

           (a)                                                 (b)                                                           (c)                                                (d)



               Degree=0, Threshold = 40      Degree=1, Threshold = 40                  Degree=2 , Threshold = 40        Degree=3, Threshold = 40

               (e)                                               (f)                                                           (g)                                                    (h)


Fig. 7 Lena 512x512 for various Degrees of Polynomial and Threshold



The new image compression technique based on wavelet footprint is found to perform well with compression ratio as high as 477.49:1 with PSNR value = 56 db. For higher resolution images, the scheme is found to produce excellent compression results with good image quality. Thus, we can conclude that footprint representation is one of the good candidates for image compression. Quantization schemes like SPIHT can be applied on footprints after suitable modification to achieve greater compression ratios which ever possible.

VII.     Acknowledgements

The authors wish to thank the Network Project funded by Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC) for the support extended towards the completion of this work.

VIII.     References

[1]        P.L. Dragotti, M. Vetterli, “wavelet footprints: theory, algorithms, and applications,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, vol. 51, pp.1-18, May 2003.

 [2]       P.L. Dragotti and M. Vetterli,  “resolution enhancement and sampling with wavelets and footprints”, SPIE Conference on Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing, SanDeigo USA, August 2003.

[3]        P.L. Dragotti, ”wavelet footprints and frames for signal processing and communication”, PhD, dissertation, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, April 2002.

[4]        P.L. Dragotti, M. Vetterli, V. Velisavljevic, “directional wavelets and wavelet footprints for compression and denoising”, International workshop on Advanced methods for multimedia signal processing(IWDC 2002), Capri, Italy, September 2002.

[5 ]       S. Mallat, A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing, Academic Press, 1998





Correspondence Author


N. Malmurugan,

Asst. Professor, Department of Electronics & Communication Engg.,

PSG College of Technology, Peelamedu,

Coimbatore – 641 004. India





N. Malmurugan is with PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 004, India as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (e-mail: n_malmurugan,

A. Shanmugam is now with the Bannariamman Institute of Technology, Sathyamanagalam – 638 401, India as a Principal (e-mail:

S. Jayaraman is with PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 004, India as a Head and  Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering (e-mail:

V. V. Dinesh Chander is with PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore – 641 004, India . (e-mail:



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